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Pemrograman Dart - Operator Bitwise

Pemrograman Dart - Operator Bitwise

Artikel ini dibukukan pada buku Pemrograman Dasar Dart
access_time 30 Mei 2021 remove_red_eye 1847 Kali spellcheck 666 Kata, 1655 Karakter
#dart #operator dart #bitwise

Bitwise is a designated operator in a programming language that manipulates the individual bits in a byte or word. This is very rarely used in programming, but if you can find out, maybe it can be your shortcut in getting things done

Cheat Sheet

Operators Description



a & b

Returns one at each bit position where the corresponding bit of both operands is one.




a | b

Returns one at each bit position where the corresponding bit of either or both operands is one.




a ^ b

Returns one at each bit position where the corresponding bit of one but not both operands is one.





Inverts the operand bits.


Left Shift

a << b

Shifts a in binary representation b (<32) bits to the left, shifts zeros from the right.


Sign propagating right shift

a >> b

Shifting a in binary representation b(<32) bits to the right, the discarded bit shifts.

Example of Use

if the snippet below doesn't work, please open this snippet

Artikel ini dibukukan pada buku Pemrograman Dasar Dart
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